domingo, 20 de octubre de 2013


Today Kayley and I woke up and went to church, it is not much diferent than our mass. After that we went to have breakfast with Murphy (dad) Brandon (brother) and Regan (sister). I had pancakes and orange juice. It was great. After that we went to a basketball game of Regan. We had a little problem, her team wasn't playing today. They had changed the date but murphy didn't receive it. So we went back home, had a shower and Cassie fetch us to go to.a party at jordan's uncle house. Then we went to a hounted house and i was so scaried! And here i am now, in the middle of a sleep over party at Sarah's house

PD: mom and dad: happy mother's day mom!!!!! (Sorry dad, nothing for you today)


Hoy nos levantamos con Kayley y fuimos a misa, es bastante parecida a la nuestra. Despues de eso fuimos a comer el desyuno con el papa la hermana y el hermano, comi pancakes con jugo de naranja, estaban barbaros. Despues de eso fuimos al partido de bastket de la hermana, pero tuvimos un problema, la liga habia cambiado la fecha asique nos tuvimos que volver a la casa. Cuando llegamos me bañe y Cassie nos busco y nos llevo a una fiesta en la casa de los tios de Jordan. Cuando termino fuimos a una casa embrujada y estaba TAN asustada! Y aca estoy ahora, escribiendo en el medio del pijama party en la casa de Sarah.

PD: mom and dad : feliz dia de la madre mami!!!!! Sorry pa, hoy nada para vos


1 comentario:

  1. I love your blog, pi!!!!!! thank you so much for that surprise for mothers day!! the best present is knowing that you're having such a great time!!!
    love you and miss you!!!!
    PS: put some pics in your blog!!
