martes, 22 de octubre de 2013


Today i woke up at 8am, took a shower and went to school because the bus to downtown was leaving a 10am, we went to the museum of science and industry which was VERY interactive, i loved it! After that we went to the planetarium and watched a 3D movie about space junk, it was good. When it finished we went to the aquarium and I saw sharks, dolphins and jellys, i loved the aquarium. When we were back to the school Caro and I went to her house to do our presentation. After that, Kayley picked me up with Tobi, Maggie and Amy and went to Kara's house. There we played Mario Kart. And now I am at home just about to go to sleep and tomorrow to school!!

PD: mom and dad: I saw LOTS of jellys!!


How me levante a las 8, me bañe y fui al colegio porque el colectivo salia a las 10 para el centro. Fuimos al museo de ciencia e industria, es RE interactivo! Me encanto!! Despues de eso fuimos al planetario y vimos una pelicula sobre la basura espacial en 3D. Estuvo buena.Cuando termino fuimos al acuario y vi delfines, tiburones y medusas, me encanto el acuario. Cuando volvimos al colegiofui a lo de caro a hacer la presentacion de español y despues Kayley me buco y fuimos a lo de Kara donde estaban casi todos y jugamos mario kart.

PD: mama y papa: vi un monton de medusas!!!

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