martes, 22 de octubre de 2013


Today we woke up at Sarah's house and Kayley and i went to her house to have a bath and then went to Marist at 1 to go downtown. We went shopping and then went on a boat ride on make Michigan. It was INCREDIBLE! After that we went to a party at the house of one of Kayley's friends with caro and Cami colantonio, and when that party was over, we went to Cassies house.

PD: mom and dad: i bought a pair of red trousers!!


hoy nos levantamos en lo de Sarah, fuimos con Kayley a su casa, me bañe y me llevaron al colegio a la 1 para ir al centro, en el que hicimos shopping y despues fuimos a dar un paseo en bote por el lago Michigan, gue increible!cuando volvimos al colegio fuimos a la casa de una de las amigosa de Kayley con Cami Colantonio y Caro, porque dio una fiesta de Halloween, y cuando esa fiesta termino fuimos a lo de Cassie ( que esta alojando a Amy) y despues vinimos a casa y nos fuimos a dormir porque estabamos MUY cansadas.

PD: mama y papa: me compre unos pantalones rojos!! (son lo mas)

1 comentario:

  1. oooohhhhhhh!!!!! Red trousers!!!!! HOT MAMMA!!!!!!!!!
    hahahahaha, Sorry, couldn't help myself!!!

    I love to hear that you 're having so much fun, and that you're enjoying the city, school, friends and your host family so much!!

    LUV YOU!!!!
